PI miCos Precision Positioners / Precision Motion Control

PI miCos specializes in precision motion control equipment for industry and research. Examples are motorized linear positioning stages, rotation stages, and multi-axis positioners such as hexapod systems and parallel kinematic systems.

Video: Gantries and Motion Systems for Laser Machining and 3D Printing

Customers can chose from a wide variety of open loop and closed loop motor drives: servo motors, stepper motors and several types of piezo motors.

PI miCos has extensive experience in the design and manufacture of high vacuum positioning stages, UHV equipment and complete systems, e.g. for beam line applications.

Non-magnetic positioners and stages for cryogenic environments are also available. Together with PI (Physik Instrumente), PI miCos offers the broadest and deepest range of precision motion technologies world wide.

  New vacuum compatible positioning systems available.


Video: High Precision Laser Seam Welding

Video: Fast Photonics Alignment System based on Hexapods and Piezo Stages




PI miCos high precision positioners in North America
are now supported by PI USA

Web: www.pi-usa.us
Email: info@pi-usa.us

West:              949-679-9191
East/Midwest: 508-832-3456